Crowdfunding begins on May 16, 2016

Until now, the general prohibition against the sale of unregistered securities to the public limited the options for startups and emerging companies to raise capital.

Now, after years of discussion and analysis, the Title III of the JOBS Act (“Act”) is about to take effect. Title III of the Act addresses equity crowdfunding. Under Title III, registered broker-dealers or registered funding portals can solicit investments of up to $1 million from the general public.  A funding portal is any person acting as an intermediary   in a transaction involving the offer or sale of securities for the account of others, solely pursuant to the “crowdfunding exemption” that does not:

(a) offer investment advice or recommendations; (b) solicit purchases, sales, or offers to buy the securities offered or displayed on its website or portal; (c) compensate employees, agents, or other persons for such solicitation or based on the sale of securities displayed or referenced on its website or portal; (d) hold, manage, possess, or otherwise handle investor funds or securities; or (e) engage in such other activities as the SEC, by rule, determines appropriate. [1]

If you are interested in learning more about Title III and opportunities under the JOBS Act, feel free to contact our firm to speak to an attorney.

*Nothing herein shall constitute legal advice and the information provided should not be construed as such.


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