A copyright is used to protect original works of authorship that are embodied in any tangible medium. “Works of authorship” include literary work, song, movie, visual arts, sound recordings, drama and other audiovisual works, architectural works, and computer programs. A copyright holder’s exclusive rights include the right to reproduce the work, to prepare derivative works, to distribute copies, and to perform and display the work publicly. As experienced Copyright and DMCA Lawyers, our copyright practice represents companies, investors, and individuals who create, own and manage copyrightable content. Our Copyright and DMCA Lawyers work hard to provide our clients with comprehensive solutions and practical advice to ensure that they are in the best position to develop, maintain, and protect their copyrightable content.

A copyright may be registered with the U.S. Copyright Office. Although it is not necessary to register a work to establish a copyright in the work, registration provides important benefits. Still have questions? Our experienced Copyright and DMCA Lawyers are here to help. (To learn more about the importance of copyright registration, check out our blog post.

  • Copyright counseling, registration, clearance, and protection.
  • Applications for registration of a claim to copyright
  • Providing legal opinions on copyright protection, fair use, infringement, ownership and title, notice, security interests, and foreign protection.
  • Joint-development agreements, assignments, rights clearance, and distribution agreements
  • Draft content licensing and content ownership agreements
  • Negotiation and preparation of copyright licensing or assignment agreements

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