Mindful Moment #1

“We live in a world that rewards doing but rejects being—each is integral to living. They are parts of the whole.” ~ John Kabat-Zinn

You may be wondering what a post on mindfulness is doing on a law firm website. Well, our goal at CLG is to create the greatest value possible to our clients. When handling high-dollar deals and sifting through gigabytes of information, we need to remind ourselves that we are human, and perhaps we need a break.

This new series on mindfulness is a passion project that I hope will act as a friendly reminder that it is okay to just be without feeling the need to always do.

So, take a moment, close your eyes, and just experience the sensation of breathing.



(Feel free to repeat as many times as you like.)

When ready, feel free to resume your day.

I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read this.


Pankaj S. Raval, Founder

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