What To Look For In A Business Lawyer

What To Look For In A Business Lawyer

CLG Founder Pankaj Raval shares some tips to consider when looking for a business attorney.


Hey guys, Pankaj Raval here, founder of Carbon Law Group back, talking about what to look for in a business lawyer.

Here are three things to consider when picking the right attorney. And don’t worry; this is not a shameless plug for Carbon Law Group.

First, do they understand your industry? Are they familiar with the nuance regulations of your industry? If not, are they willing to learn?

Second, are they interested in learning about your goals? You want to avoid a lawyer that has the answer to every question. Real issues are often complicated and require a thorough analysis. You want to make sure you have a lawyer willing to say they don’t know and look things up when necessary. Not all questions are easy to answer.

Third, are they responsive? You’re hiring a professional to act as an advisor. That means you want to make sure they’re communicating with you. Sure, lawyers are busy people, but so are you. Just make sure the expectations are clear at the outset of your relationship. Also, if you’re a text person over an email person, make that known.

Okay, I’ve got a confession. Of course this was a plug. Do you seriously think I was going to spend time and money recording a video not to plug Carbon Law Group? We sincerely believe we have the unique industry expertise, care about our clients’ objectives and are extremely responsive to our clients’ needs. So if you’re interested learning more about our services, call, text, DM, whatever it takes, let’s start that conversation.

What To Look For In A Business Lawyer

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